
For doing modifications to the live instance and it’s data we provide a collection of functionality in cdedb/

A production script should have 3 sections for setup (imports, etc.), configuration and doing the actual work.

Setting up a script


The following code snippets are basic examples, in an actual script you might need completely different imports or even none at all.

The first thing that should be done is importing everything that might me needed. Lastly you should import the Script class from the cdedb.script module. Usually you wont need to import anything else from there.

from pprint import pprint
from cdedb.common import SubscriptionError, SubscriptionInfo
import cdedb.database.constants as const

from cdedb.script import Script

Configuring a script

In this section should come everything that you might want to configure about the script. Note that persona_id, dry_run and configpath can be set via environment variables if left out.

script = Script(dbuser="cdb_admin", configpath="/etc/cdedb/")

The created Script object has a .rs() method, that will return a RequestState for the default user. The return is cached, so there is no actual difference between calling every time or storing it into a local variable other than ease of use. The method optionally takes a persona_id parameter, which when given will create a new request state for that user instead of the default user. Note that the resulting request state will always have all privileges regardless of the persona id.

rs =
user_rs =

The Script object also provides a make_backend method, that will create a new instance of the specified backend. If called using proxy=False you will get a raw backend, which allows you to access non-published methods like query_exec. Otherwise you will get a proxy wrapping the created backend.

mlproxy = script.make_backend("ml")
core = script.make_backend("core", proxy=False)

Doing the actual work

Before starting the actual script, you might want to specify some constants or variables to (re)use later. Then you should do the actual work inside the context of a transaction. The Script class can be used as a context manager to achieve this. If the Script was created with dry_run=True (the default), all changes made within this transaction will be rolled back at the end. At the end of your work you should provide some feedback about whether or not the changes were successful and maybe a recap of the changes, so that the deployed can decide whether or not to run the script in not-dry_run mode.

mailinglist_id = 1
ml_data = {...}
relevant_states = {const.SubscriptionState.implicit}
successes = set()
errors = {}
infos = {}
with script:
    subscribers = ml.get_subscription_states(, mailinglist_id, relevant_states)
    new_ml_id = ml.create_malinglist(, ml_data)
    for persona_id in subscribers:
            code = ml.do_subscription_action(
      , const.SubscriptionAction.subscribe,
        except SubscriptionInfo as e:
            infos[persona_id] = e
        except SubscriptionError as e:
            errors[persona_id] = e
            if code:
                errors[persona_id] = None

    assert len(subscribers) = len(infos) + len(errors) + len(successes)
    print(f"{len(successes)} of {len(subscribers)} successfully added.")
    if errors or infos:
        print(f"Encountered {len(infos)} infos and {len(errors)} errors.")

Using the Script as a context manager gives you a convenience wrapper around the ScriptAtomizer class, which is a subclass of cdedb.connection.Atomizer.

Setting environment variables.

When running the script, most parameters can be set via environment variables. Note that this needs to happen after switching the executing user to www-cde.

sudo -u www-cde SCRIPT_PERSONA_ID=1 SCRIPT_DRY_RUN="" SCRIPT_CONFIGPATH="/etc/cdedb/" python3 bin/

Note that in order to deactivate dry run mode, the SCRIPT_DRY_RUN environment variable needs to be falsy, so the only viable option is setting it to an empty string.