Programming Principles


Add guidelines for variable naming conventions, code style (sql, python, jinja2, javascript), code encapsulation

Coding Guidelines


split up in sql, python, jinja, javascript

Here is a list of best practices to follow, so the code stays nice.

  • Use only spaces for indentation.

  • The database access is encapsulated as follows:

    with connection as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:

    This guarantees, that no transaction are left dangling and in case of error does a rollback. If these contexts are nested (e.g. through function calls) use the cdedb.database.connection.Atomizer.

  • All functions with an @access decorator may only use the session-specific database connections/resources. All uses of elevated privileges must be encapsulated into their own functions.

  • Always use named constants (mostly from cdedb.database.constants) for numeric constants. Generally avoid hard-coded values.

  • Document stuff, but avoid redundant spam – less is sometimes more. Especially avoid annotating ‘bar(foo)’ with “bars a foo” (think of it like playing Tabu).

  • Exactly those HTTP-requests which change data must be POST-requests. Upon a POST a redirect should happen so that refresh (F5) works without surprises.

  • The HTML should degrade nicely if Javascript is not available.

  • No numeric id (like persona_id) may be zero.

  • If possible test core.personas.status always against lists like cdedb.database.constants.SEARCHMEMBER_STATI and not against the direct values like cdedb.database.constants.PersonaStati.searchmember.

  • As general pattern: return tuple (bool, str) where the bool signals success, and the str is the either error message or return value

  • The test-suite should visit all functionality at least once.

  • If a change requires manual intervention on the server note this in the commit message on a line starting with Deploy:.

  • Use type checking with mypy where feasible.

  • Only use asserts for static type checking purposes (i.e. making mypy aware of invariants we already know to be true). Note that asserts may be disabled at runtime.

  • Importable things need to be placed in the cdedb module, typically in the cdedb.common submodule or it’s submodules. Things that are only imported by the test suite may be placed in the tests module, typically in the tests.common submodule.