Role Model
Each persona can have the following privileges:
being a persona (in contrast to anonymous access)
access to a specific realm (cde, event, ml, assembly)
admin privileges in a realm (core, cde, event, ml, assembly)
meta admin
finance admin
cdelokal admin
Note that these roles can not be awarded independently. First, every persona
has in fact ml access currently, and each admin role requires access
privileges in the corresponding realm. Here, core, cde and finance admin
roles require cde realm access, with finance admins additionally requiring
cde adminship. These rules regarding admin privileges are in fact enforced
redundantly by database constraints and the extract_roles
Furthermore, there is a realm inheritance in place, with higher realms implying the access to lower realms. In practice, cde access implies event and assembly access, while they in turn imply ml access.
This leads to the role inheritance graph shown below. Here, privileges which can be lost are shown in round boxes, while privileges in cornered boxes can only be gained. Therefore, former members are those with cde realm without membership privileges.

This graphic was created using To edit it, upload the Roles.png file there.
These privileges control what actions the user may call and are determined
by the core.personas table. These are enforced throughout the python code
via the @access
Additionally there may be finer grained privileges which are encoded in various tables which are checked locally in the relevant pieces of code. The following additional privileges are
orga of an event
moderator of a mailinglist
presider of an assembly
Due to complex inter-realm dependencies, mailinglist privileges have some caveats which are explained further at Mailinglist Privileges.
A privacy-focused overview of which personal data other users may access under which conditions can be found at Privacy Control.
Realm Admins
Realm admins have full access to the entities in there realm, i.e. assembly admins to assemblies, cde admins to past events, event admins to events, and ml admins to mailinglists. Since all personas live in the core realm, core admins have full access to all personas.
Additionally realm admins have full access to users that belong to their realm, but not to any higher or equivalent realm. For example an event admin may manage, create and view all simple event users, but not a user that belongs to the event and the assembly realm or a user belonging to the cde realm (i.e. a former or current member).
Special Admins
Meta Admins
Meta admins have no actual privileges except that they are the only ones who can grant or revoke admin privileges. Doing so requires the approval of two meta admins.
Finance Admins
Finance admins must be cde admins aswell and are the only ones with access to the semester management where payment reminders and address checks are sent, inactive member ejected and the balance of members is updated. In addition they may manage, create and revoke lastschrift permits.
CdELokal Admins
CdELokal admins may manage and create cdelokal mailinglists.
Auditors are special, since they do not actually have any privileges, except that they may view all log pages.
Each droid can have the following privileges:
being a droid (in contrast to anonymous access)
per droid identity privilege
infrastructure toggle (making them exempt from lockdown)
More to droids at Droids.
In the database everything is mapped onto four tiers
More to database at Database Design.