Courselist Event Multinational CdE academy 2022


01. Küche! -- Kitchen Crew. 


You‘ve always been waiting for cooking for large groups? You feel like trying out new recipe? Since we will have self-catering at Multi-Aka, there will be a kitchen crew who‘ll cook for all of the participants. The structure of our class will probably not follow the typical 6-hour-structure which is indicated in the schedule - (hopefully) we won‘t spend so much time on cooking, depending on how elaborately we want to prepare the dishes :). At the moment there is no collection of recipes so if you want to take part in planning of the meals in the weeks before Multi Aka you‘re welcome to to that; it is not obligatory, though. I myself are vegan so I‘d like to prepare mostly plant-based meals (but I‘m also open for exceptions ;)).


Du hast Lust, mal so richtig den Kochlöffel zu schwingen und für größere Gruppen zu kochen? Du möchtest gerne neue Rezepte ausprobieren? Da wir auf der Multi-Aka eine Selbstversorger-Unterkunft gebucht haben, gibt es dort ein Küchenteam, das sich um die Verpflegung kümmert. Unsere Kursstruktur wird etwas freier sein als die der anderen Kurse, da wir (hoffentlich) keine 6 h am Tag zum Kochen brauchen - ja nachdem, wie aufwändig wir es uns machen möchten ;). Aktuell gibt es noch keine Einkaufs- oder Rezepte-Sammlung - du kannst dich also auch gerne in der Planung vorab einbringen (das ist aber kein Muss, auch wenn du nur vor Ort helfen möchtest, ist das super). Da ich selbst Veganerin bin, plane ich, das Essen auch in diese Richtung zu gestalten (mit Ausnahmen habe ich aber auch kein Problem ;)).

03. Outdoor 


A course related to walking and beeing outdoors.

The course description will be published later. Unfortunately, the course leader has not yet send us a course description.

04. Massage Therapy / Coaching, NLP, Hypnosis 

A course related to the topics of

  1. massage therapy,
  2. the field of coaching including neuro-linkguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis.

The course description will be published later. Unfortunately, the course leader has not yet send us a course description.

05. BarCamp, workshops and working groups 

Did you always want to have some time to work on or research about some topic in a small group? Do you want to hear about the work of other people? Do you have some skill you want to share?

This „course“ is a time frame to deal with topics which come from the participants, be they prepared or spontaneous.

It can take the form of a short talk (does not need to be perfect), of a workshop, of an ongoing working group dedicated to some topic, of some skill or knowledge share, a discussion, or anything else. More than one can run in parallel.

There will be a facilitation provided to sort the topics and form the groups. In the evening, the state of your workings can be shared in the plenum.

In case you want to do something sportive or outdoors: The accomodation has a multi-purpose-hall that can be used for sports, dance, … and a lake for swimming. Forest with a small river is nearby.

This „course“ can be visited for a part of the academy‘s time or for the whole time.

The facilitator of this „course“ has gathered experience with such kind of co-created spaces already at the Wichmar workshop festival and at the CdE Nachhaltigkeitsakademie. In other contexts, he finds delight in understanding the intricate workings of structures, likes to playfully move in mind, body, location and emotion, and sometimes repairs electronics stuff and dances Contact Improvisation. By university education, he is physicist.

06. Chamber ensemble 

If it has been quite some time since you played your instrument(s) along with other people or if you just really fancy playing in an ensemble, this is for you! No matter whether you‘re a beginner, intermediate or a pro, playing with others is fun. And this is just about what we will do in this course. We will not be playing difficult pieces, but rather folk music and easy popular songs.

I would love to see you in this course! After registering, please send me an email to joshua.mitas(at)web(dot)de and tell me about the instrument(s) you play. If you have any wishes regarding the songs you‘d like to play, feel free to share :)

This course is layed out to take place every morning or every afternoon (i.e. half a day).

My name is Joshua, I am one of the coordinators here. I have just finished school and am on my way to start university. Throughout my life, music has always been big. Especially, I enjoyed making music and performing with others. This is why I wanted to offer this course: As a possibility to get together in an unfamiliar group, with people from other nations, ages and abilities. I myself have no degree in music nor do I regularly lead ensembles. So, this course also relies on you and everyone else to do something, although I will plan and coordinate most of it. I play the piano/organ, violin/viola and have recently started taking singing lessons. I am also into improvising on the piano and writing music. (You can check it out, wherever you get your music under „Joshua Mitas“, if you like :) )

07. Survival knowledge: Acquiring and trying out -- Survivalwissen aneignen und ausprobieren. 


About the course:

This course is intended to provide a space to learn about knowledge, techniques, methods … on the subject of „survival“, and to gain practical experience where possible.

The topics are quite diverse, e.g. drinking water and nutrition in short or longer periods of time, shelter and dwelling, man-made and natural dangers, tools building, getting along within in a group, …

My inspiration for the course comes from the fact that I myself own the book „Plant-based emergency food – survival knowledge for extreme situations“ by the biologist Johannes Vogel, came across the offline app + wiki „Survival Manual“ and received a recommendation for „Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook“, and have been interested for some time in taking a curious and critical look at it.

The course of the course:

This will not be an „expert“ course in which I share my knowledge, but more of a workshop with a joint elaboration of contents on site, also in small groups with exchange in the course‘s plenum. The works mentioned above offer more than enough material, and you can also bring your own input. We will decide on the specific focus of the content on site anyway, according to interests, with an alternation of individual/small group and whole group work, and regular „check-in“s to see what the current status, interests and needs are.

Since I am also occupied with organisational tasks this most probably will be a half-time course (half a day each day). It can work together well with the other flexible formats on this academy.

About me:

I am a physicist and electronics hobbyist and have been active in climate activism for the last 3 years, where I learned a lot about working in groups. In the CdE I have already offered a few practical courses of different kinds. Otherwise, I am interested in phenomena of all kinds, like to be in motion in body, mind and place, and look forward to a stimulating academy with food for intellect, association, heart and soul. Currently, I am preoccupied with ecological collapse, climate catastrophe and social threats, „tools“ for getting along well and intentional communities.


Über den Kurs:

Dieser Kurs soll einen Raum bieten, um sich mit Wissen, Techniken, Methoden … zum Thema „Survival“ auseinanderzusetzen und wo es geht auch praktische Erfahrung zu sammeln.

Dabei sind die Themenfelder durchaus vielfältig, z.B. Trinkwasser und Ernährung in kurzen oder längeren Zeiträumen, Unterschlupf und Behausung, menschengemachte und natürliche Gefahren, Werkzeugbau, Umgang in der Gruppe, …

Meine Inspiration für den Kurs kommt dadurch, dass ich selbst das Buch „Pflanzliche Notnahrung – Survivalwissen für Extremsituationen“ des Biologen Johannes Vogel besitze, über die offline-App + Wiki „Survival Manual“ gestoßen bin und zu „Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook“ eine Empfehlung bekommen habe, und mich schon länger interessiert mich damit mal neugierig und kritisch auseinanderzusetzen.

Zum Ablauf des Kurses:

Dies wird kein „Experten“kurs in dem ich mein Wissen teile, sondern mehr eine Werkstatt mit einem gemeinsamen Erarbeiten von Inhalten vor Ort, auch in Kleingruppen mit Zusammentragen im Plenum. Die oben genannten Werke bieten mehr als genügend Stoff, wobei Ihr auch noch Input mitbringen könnt. Die konkreten inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte entscheiden wir eh nach Interessen vor Ort, mit einem Wechsel aus individueller-/ Kleingruppenarbeit und Gesamtgruppe und immer wieder „Check-In“ um nach dem aktuellen Stand, Interessen und Bedürfnissen zu schauen.

Da ich auch mit Organisationsaufgaben beschäftigt bin wird dies vorraussichtlich ein Halbzeitkurs (halber Tag jeden Tag). Er kann gut zusammengehen mit den anderen flexiblen Formaten auf dieser Akademie.

Über mich:

Ich bin Physiker und Elektronikbastler und war in den letzten 3 jahren Klimaaktivistisch tätig, wo ich einiges zum Umgang in Gruppen erfahren habe. Im CdE habe ich bereits ein paar praktische Kurse unterschiedlicher Art angeboten. Ansonsten interessiere ich mich für Phänomene aller Art, bin gerne in Bewegung in Körper, Geist und Ort, und freue sich auf eine anregende Akademie mit Nahrung fuer Intellekt, Assoziation, Herz und Seele. Derzeit beschäftigen mich der ökologische Kollaps, die Klimakatastrophe und gesellschaftliche Gefahren, „Tools“ guten Miteinanders und intentionale Gemeinschaften.

11. First contact with AI – how Articial Intelligence influences our world 

Artificial intelligence already shapes our present and will have radical impact on our future. We will take a challenging look at the methods and strategies behind the rise of AI in a multidisciplinary approach. Among the many fields we will encounter some may be of particular interest for you, such as: Climate research, criminalistics, data mining, education, finance, gaming industry, medicine, logistics or the arts. A special focus will be turned on how AI influences our political systems all over the world.

You are invited to expand the topics with your own expertise!

PS: This is NOT a coding class!

This course is offered in the mornings of Sunday, August 28th and Monday, August 29th, 9:00–12:00.

More information about the course facilitator and his projects can be read at and

12. Oh yeeeeeees! An entertaining and mind-opening introduction to Improv Theatre 

Improv theatre is not only a wonderful way of great entertainment. It is a great and safe way to learn about life. Improv is perfectly suited to promote personality development, to foster creativity, acceptance and improve resilience in a playful and surprisingly sustainable way. Language-free improvisation games are particularly suitable for intercultural communication. Structured improvisation exercises are helpful in learning foreign languages since the process turns from a merely intellectual effort to a truly holistic experience.

This session takes place on Sunday, August 28th afternoon, 15:00–18:00.

More information about the course facilitator and his projects can be read at and

51. Orga support 


Since we are a very small organisational team, we would like to have some on-site support of 1 to 3 people for tasks to keep the academy running.

In the „Orga support ‚course‘“ you will be involved with daily tasks, for example shopping, bringing stuff froom A to B, thinking about things to do, looking after the open sweets-and-snacks-area, receiving and handling requests from participants such as giving out office material or doing copying, …

Expect a more relaxed schedule (not „full-time“ working), but maybe also some duties outside the official course time.


Da wir ein sehr kleines Orgateam sind, suchen wir 1 bis 3 Leute die uns bei alltäglichen Aufgaben vor Ort unterstützen (auf anderen Akademien oft auch „Hilfsorgas“ genannt).

Im „Orga support-‚Kurs‘“ würdest Du in tägliche Aufgaben eingebunden sein wie z.B. Einkaufen, Zeugs von A nach B bringen, über zu tuende Dinge nachdenken, über die Süßigkeiten-und-Snack-Ecke schauen, Anfragen von teilnehmenden entgegennehmen und bearbeiten wie z.B. Material ausgeben oder Kopien anfertigen, …

Erwarte einen eher entspannten Zeitplan (kein „Vollzeit“arbeiten), jedoch auch manche Aufgaben außerhalb der offiziellen Kurszeit.

99. Dein Kurs -- Your course? 

Note: This entry is not a course. It is just an information that you still can offer a course:

Although content to deal with can spontaneously be decided on the spot and a structure will be offered to encourage this, we are still looking for people who already know that they want to offer something beforehand:

If you want to offer a course, facilitate a workshop, start a working group, …—i.e. want to create a space to deal intensively with a topic in a small group, then send us the title, description and other things that are important for you, so that we can add it to the registration form.—The earlier, the better.

Content and format of the course etc. are completely up to you:

  • No matter if frontal teaching or practical experience,
  • no matter if dancing or philosophy,
  • no matter if indoors or outdoors,
  • no matter if you have are an expert of the topic or if you create a framework to acquire matter together.

You can have up to 8x3 hours = approx. 24 hours of course work, usually divided into 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon.

Facilitators are not really „special“: We cannot offer you any payment, and we generally assume that facilitators want to participate in the academy even if their own course is not chosen by enough people in order to take place.
Since the academy is a place of exchange and co-creation, facilitators are also expected to pay the participation fee. (If your course takes place, we try to reimburse some or ideally all of that fee, which will depend on the financial situation after the academy has taken place. Reimbursement is not guaranteed.)

In case you want to do something sportive or outdoors: The accomodation has a multi-purpose-hall that can be used for sports, dance, … and a lake for swimming. Forest with a small river is nearby.