Voting Details

This page aims to explain in an ordered fashion the subtle details of our voting data model.


We currently support two different types of voting procedures which we expose to the user:

  • Preferential Votes

  • Classical Votes

Additionally, we allow for both voting types to include an optional rejection option into the vote. So, we gain in total four different combinations of vote settings.

Internally, we model classical votes as preferential ones, so we have only one complex facility of determining the result of a ballot and not two used in parallel.

Preferential Votes

In a preferential vote, one can sort the candidates in a hierarchical way, according to their preference. For this, the relational operators > and = are used to rank all candidates relatively to each other.

A sample preferential vote string might look as follows:


In our example, there exists four different levels of preferences: Charly and Daniel got equally the highest preference, while Anton gets lower preference. Berta and Nina get both even lower preference than Anton, but are still higher preferred than Janis, who got the lowest preference in this vote.

Note that the preferential vote is a purely ordinal ranking and does not allow to specify a cardinality between the candidates. In other words, you may only specify in which relative order you prefer each level of candidates, but you can not describe which specific preference about a level is most important to you.

If you want to abstain from a vote, meaning none of the candidates were more preferred by you than any other, you put them all equal to each other:


Classical Vote

In classical votes, the voter gets a specified amount of individual votes, which can be distributed over all candidates. Only one vote per candidate is allowed, unused votes are lost.

Internal, we map classical votes into preferential votes. Since we only allow a maximum of one vote per candidate and give no possibility of ranking between candidates, we got at most two preference levels of candidates: Those which were chosen, and those which were not chosen.

Lets take the following example ballot with 3 individual votes and the following candidates:

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

Voting like

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

will be mapped to the preference string:


We may not assign all individual votes, so also the following would be a legal vote

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

which will be mapped to the string:


To abstain, we simply do not assign any individual vote at all, so this would be

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

and will be mapped to the string:


Since we are allowed to assign any number of individual votes from 0 (abstaining) to the total number of candidates, we can not distinguish between abstaining on the one hand and voting for all candidates on the other hand.

To circumvent this problem, we introduce an implicit _bar_ option into each vote. Implicit means here, the voter can not chose the _bar_ option, but the vote will be treated as if it was available and simply not chosen.

With employing this trick, we can distinguish between those two voting scenarios, since voting for all candidates

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

will result in the preference string:


while abstaining

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

will result in the different preference string:



There exist some classical votes in the productive version without the implicit _bar_ introduced above, causing the problems described above.

Since a voting is immutable after finishing, this can not be fixed by design.

Optional Rejection

Like mentioned above, both type of votes come with an optional rejection candidate. If the ballot is configured accordingly, this candidate named _bar_ will be available to the user in addition to the other candidates.

But there is a semantically difference between the _bar_ option in preferential and in classical votes, which will be explained in the following.

Preferential Votes

A sample preferential vote string with rejection option might look as follows:


In this modified example, Charly, Daniel and Anton got higher preference than the rejection option, while Berta, Nina and Janis got lower preference than the rejection option. We call this “winning or loosing against the bar” respectively.

You could also rank candidates equal to the _bar_. In this case, your vote will be treated as abstention with regard to those candidates.

So, also the following is a legal preferential vote string with rejection option:


Now Charly and Daniel are still winning against the bar, while Berta, Nina and Janis are loosing against the bar. The voter abstained with regard to Anton.

Of course, you can also rank all candidates higher, equal or lower to the _bar_, meaning you accept, abstain or reject all candidates.

Classical Votes

In classical votes, the rejection option behaves as rejection of all candidates.

If a voter chooses the _bar_ option, all other individual votes are lost. So, the following is a legal vote

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

  • _bar_

translated into the preference string:


but a voting like

  • Anton

  • Berta

  • Charly

  • Daniel

  • _bar_

is prohibited: You can not choose one candidate and simultaneously reject all.

Abstaining behaves similar to abstaining without explicit _bar_ option.

Counting votes

During voting, every attendee of an assembly may vote in each of its ballots and the vote will be stored in the database. After the voting period ends, we need to determine a result per ballot taking all given votes into account.

Preferential Votes

To solve this task, we use the Schulze Method internally. We therefore get an overall preference string reflecting the result of the voting.

Additionally, we provide some extra information per level of preference: We count how many votes ranked a level A higher than the next lower one (calling this Pro Votes for level A) and, in contrast, how many votes ranked level A lower than the next lower level (calling this Contra Votes for level A).

Classical Votes

Since we mapped all classical votes to preferential vote strings internally, we can use exactly the same mechanism to obtain the result of a ballot (the already mentioned Schulze Method) as in preferential votes.

We also provide here some extra information. Similar to the preferential vote, we can obtain the Pro Votes for each level of preference. Moreover, this Pro Votes per level of preference are equal to the actual number of votes each candidate in this level obtains in sum, since every preference string consists of only two level of preference, where the chosen candidates are in the higher level of preference.

Presentation of result

After the ballot has been tallied, we create a result file in which we store the important information of the vote, including the candidates, each given vote and the combined preference string, which can be used to verify the result( see Elektronisches Wahlverfahren for more information).

Preferential Votes

We show the combined preference and the Pro and Contra votes for each level of preference to the user.

Classical Votes

We show the combined preference and the Pro votes for each level of preference to the user.