Mailinglist Privileges ====================== The ml realm has some additional privilege entities due to the dependence on and interaction with other realms. Besides the canonical roles of user and admin, which are explained in more detail in :doc:`Design_Roles`, there exists the moderator role that allows management of one mailinglist akin to orga and presider. From these we now derive two additional privilege levels: Relevant Admins This is intended to allow other realm admins to manage mailinglists associated with their realm. As the ml realm is lowest in the implicit hierarchy of realms, every admin has access here. For example an event admin is a relevant admin for mailinglists associated to an event, like orga and partcipant mailinglists. A full list of relevant admins for each mailinglist type is given at :doc:`Realm_Mailinglist_Types`. This grants all privileges with regard to a specific mailinglist. ml admins are relevant admins for all mailinglists. Restricted Moderators We start with the problem description. Due to the fact that the mailinglist machinery consumes data from other realms, the actor causing an action sometimes needs additional access rights in these other realms. A moderator can be restricted in certain constellations by missing external (i.e. not ml) access rights. Main case is the manipulation of implicit mailinglists where the generation of the subscriber list needs additional access. For example, for privacy reasons, event mailinglists need orga-level access to generate their subscriber list. But a user could be promoted to be moderator of a specific mailinglist associated to the event without being orga. Currently the limitations of our architecture make it impossible for this user to change the subscriber list. This also affects manipulating individual subscriber states as they are validated against external information (like the participation status in an event) to determine if this subsriber is privileged to access that list. See also :doc:`Realm_Mailinglist_Management` for more information. However, restricted moderators can still moderate their mailinglists and modify its whitelist and moderators, as well as most of its configuration. Currently, we have the following cases: * **event associated lists**: needs to be orga of the event or event admin * **assembly associated lists**: needs to be participant of the assembly, member or assembly admin