Registration Query ================== .. highlight:: sql To dynamically query information about registrations, we have to construct a rather involved view on the fly. This is necessary because the information is spread across multiple different tables and we also want to gather secondary information about a participants courses and lodgements. We construct this view from six main components: * The general ``event.registrations`` columns. This contains some general information, like how much of the fee was already paid. * The ``core.personas`` data. Here we get the personal information of the participant, like name, email and birthday. * The custom registration datafields. These are individually configured per event and are added to the fixed information above. * A series of part tables, containing information about the registrations status regarding a given part. This includes lodgement information for any assigned lodgement in a part. * A series of track tables, containing information about the courses a registration is associated with. This includes both the course they are assigned and any course they are isntructing. * The timestamps of registration creation and last modification from ``event.log``. The final view will be constructed as follows. :: event.registrations as reg LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_field_columns, id, amount_owed - amount_paid AS remaining_owed FROM event.registrations WHERE event_id = X ) AS reg_fields ON = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( part_tableX ) AS partX ON = partX.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( lodgement_tableX ) AS lodgementX ON partX.lodgement_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( lodgement_group_tableX ) AS lodgement_groupX ON lodgementX.group_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( track_tableX ) AS trackX ON = trackX.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( course_tableX ) AS courseX ON trackX.course_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( course_tableX ) AS course_instructorX ON trackX.course_id = ``reg_fields_colum`` will contain a JSON-cast from the ``fields`` column for every relevant course field. ``part_tableX`` and ``lodgement_tableX`` will be present for every part X of the event. ``track_tableX``, ``courseX``, ``course_instructorX`` will be present for every part X of the event. The following fields are avalable in the dynamic tables: * ``reg_fields.xfield_{field_name}`` *For every custom registration datafield.* * ``part{part_id}.status`` * ``part{part_id}.lodgement_id`` *This is magically replaced by "{title}" linking to the lodgement.* * ``part{part_id}.is_camping_mat`` * ``lodgement{part_id}.xfield_{field_name}`` *For every part and every custom lodgement datafield.* * ``lodgement{part_id}.title`` * ``lodgement{part_id}.notes`` * ``lodgement{part_id}.group_id`` * ``lodgement_group{part_id}.title`` * ``track{track_id}.course_id`` *This is magically replaced by "{nr}. {shortname}" linking to the course.* * ``track{track_id}.course_instructor`` *This is magically replaced by "{nr}. {shortname}" linking to the course.* * ``track{track_id}.is_course_instructor`` * ``course{track_id}.xfield_{field_name}`` *For every track and every custom course datafield.* * ``course{track_id}.nr`` * ``course{track_id}.title`` * ``course{track_id}.shortname`` * ``course{track_id}.notes`` * ``course{track_id}.instructors`` * ``course_instructor{track_id}.xfield_{field_name}`` *For every track and every custom course datafield.* * ``course_instructor{track_id}.nr`` * ``course_instructor{track_id}.title`` * ``course_instructor{track_id}.shortname`` * ``course_instructor{track_id}.notes`` * ``course_instructor{track_id}.instructors`` * ``ctime.creation_time`` * ``mtime.modification_time`` The Part Tables --------------- For every part we have two tables. The first table contains information from ``event.registration_parts``, including the registration's status in that part: :: SELECT registration_id, status, lodgement_id, is_camping_mat FROM event.registration_parts WHERE part_id = X The second table provides a view of the assigned lodgement, should one exist. All these columns will be ``NULL`` if no lodgement is assigned in this part: :: SELECT lodge_field_columns, title, notes, id FROM event.lodgements WHERE event_id = X These tables are joined ``ON partX.lodgement_id =``. The Track Tables ---------------- For every track we have three tables. The first tables contains information from ``event.registration_tracks``, mainly about the assigned and any instructed course:: SELECT registration_id, course_id, course_instructor, (NOT(course_id IS NULL AND course_instructor IS NOT NULL) AND course_id = course_instructor) AS is_course_instructor FROM event.registration_tracks WHERE track_id = X After that we have two views on the ```` table for both the assigned and instrcuted course. All columns will be None, if no course is assigned/instructed:: SELECT course_field_columns, id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = X The Complete View ----------------- The final view for regisration queries looks something like this: :: event.registrations AS reg LEFT OUTER JOIN core.personas AS persona ON reg.persona_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'brings_balls')::boolean AS "xfield_brings_balls", (fields->>'transportation')::varchar AS "xfield_transportation", (fields->>'lodge')::varchar AS "xfield_lodge", (fields->>'may_reserve')::boolean AS "xfield_may_reserve", id FROM event.registrations WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS reg_fields ON = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, status, lodgement_id, is_camping_mat FROM event.registration_parts WHERE part_id = 1 ) AS part1 ON = part1.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'contamination')::varchar AS "xfield_contamination", title, notes, id FROM event.lodgements WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement1 ON part1.lodgement_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT title, id FROM event.lodgement_groups WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement_group1 ON lodgement1.group_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, status, lodgement_id, is_camping_mat FROM event.registration_parts WHERE part_id = 2 ) AS part2 ON = part2.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'contamination')::varchar AS "xfield_contamination", title, notes, id FROM event.lodgements WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement2 ON part2.lodgement_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT title, id FROM event.lodgement_groups WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement_group2 ON lodgement2.group_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, status, lodgement_id, is_camping_mat FROM event.registration_parts WHERE part_id = 3 ) AS part3 ON = part3.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'contamination')::varchar AS "xfield_contamination", title, notes, id FROM event.lodgements WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement3 ON part3.lodgement_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT title, id FROM event.lodgement_groups WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS lodgement_group3 ON lodgement3.group_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, course_id, course_instructor, (NOT(course_id IS NULL AND course_instructor IS NOT NULL) AND course_id = course_instructor) AS is_course_instructor FROM event.registration_tracks WHERE track_id = 1 ) AS track1 ON = track1.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course1 ON track1.course_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course_instructor1 ON track1.course_instructor = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, course_id, course_instructor, (NOT(course_id IS NULL AND course_instructor IS NOT NULL) AND course_id = course_instructor) AS is_course_instructor FROM event.registration_tracks WHERE track_id = 2 ) AS track2 ON = track2.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course2 ON track2.course_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course_instructor2 ON track2.course_instructor = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT registration_id, course_id, course_instructor, (NOT(course_id IS NULL AND course_instructor IS NOT NULL) AND course_id = course_instructor) AS is_course_instructor FROM event.registration_tracks WHERE track_id = 3 ) AS track3 ON = track3.registration_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course3 ON track3.course_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT (fields->>'room')::varchar AS "xfield_room", id, nr, title, shortname, notes, instructors FROM WHERE event_id = 1 ) AS course_instructor3 ON track3.course_instructor = LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT persona_id, MAX(ctime) AS creation_time FROM event.log WHERE event_id = 1 AND code = 50 GROUP BY persona_id ) AS ctime ON reg.persona_id = ctime.persona_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT persona_id, MAX(ctime) AS modification_time FROM event.log WHERE event_id = 1 AND code = 51 GROUP BY persona_id ) AS mtime ON reg.persona_id = mtime.persona_id