Setup the VM ============ Here we describe how the VM image provided by the auto-build may be used for development and offline usage (i.e. at events). Prerequisites ------------- To run the image you need the Qemu/KVM or VirtualBox software for virtualization. Furthermore some software is recommended for working with the running image: ssh for shell access and sshfs for mounting the repository in the VM into your local file system. Download -------- The VM-images can be downloaded from `the CdE server `_. The access credentials can be found on `the tracker `_. Running ------- If ``cdedb.qcow2`` is the downloaded image, then the VM can be started with QEMU via the following command (note that the name of the binary may differ from ``kvm``):: kvm -m 1G -enable-kvm -device virtio-rng-pci -net nic,model=virtio -net user,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: -drive file=cdedb.qcow2,if=virtio,cache=writethrough By default, the VM uses a single core only, which may limit performance especially in parallel to lint and integration tests. To mitigate these constraints, you may use ``-smp n`` as parameter to allow the VM to use ``n`` cores of your system. If ``cdedb.vdi`` is the downloaded image, then the VM can be run with VirtualBox via the GUI. Thereby, choose the unpacked ```` image as hard disk. Furthermore, you would like to set some port forwarding (which is included in the kvm command). If you dont know how to do this, take a look at the first point in :ref:`accessing-vm-windows`. Note that there are multiple port forwardings, for ``20022``, ``20389``, ``20443`` and ``5000``. Accessing -- Linux ------------------ Once the VM is up and running you can access it in the following ways. The password for the ``cdedb`` user (used for access via ssh etc.) is ``akademie``. * web: Open https://localhost:20443/ in a browser of your choice. * ssh:: ssh -p 20022 cdedb@localhost * scp (note that there are two possible directions):: scp -P 20022 /path/to/source cdedb@localhost:/path/to/destination scp -P 20022 cdedb@localhost:/path/to/source /path/to/destination * sshfs (this is probably the most comfortable option for development, and only necessary for development not for usage during an event):: sshfs cdedb@localhost:/cdedb2/ /path/to/mountpoint/ -p 20022 For ease of use it may be advisable to put these commands into script files. Additionally it helps to put your ssh public key into the (new) file ``/home/cdedb2/.ssh/authorized_keys`` to suppress password queries. .. _accessing-vm-windows: Accessing -- Windows -------------------- Das Ansprechen der VM ist unter Windows etwas komplizierter als unter Linux. Im Folgenden werden die Arbeitsschritte einmal für VirtualBox durchgegangen. Das Passwort für den Nutzer ``cdedb`` der VM ist ``akademie``. * Web: Im VirtualBox Manager, bearbeite die VM * Netzwerkadapter / Adapter1: Angeschlossen an ``NAT`` * Erweitert / Port-Weiterleitung: Neue Regel:: Protokoll:TCP, Host-ID:, Host-Port:20443, Gast-Port:223 Jetzt lässt sich die VM unter https://localhost:20443/ im Browser ansprechen. * ssh * VirtualBox Manager / Datei / Host-only Netzwerk-Manager / Erzeuge:: NAME, IPv4:, DHCP-Server:enable * Im VirtualBox Manager, bearbeite die VM / Netzwerkadapter / Adapter 2:: Angeschlossen an:Hostonly-Adapter, Name:NAME * Starte die VM, melde dich an * ``id a`` sollte einen Eintrag ``enp0s8`` oder ähnlich zeigen, der leer ist:: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces * Am Ende der Datei hinzufügen:: auto enp0s8 iface enp0s8 inet static address netmask Jetzt sollte die VM über die CMD erreichbar sein:: ssh.exe cdedb@ * mounten: Dies ist nur für die aktive Entwicklung relevant, nicht für die Offline-VM. Hierfür gibt es keine Windows eigene Lösung. So funktionierts trotzdem * Führe die Schritte unter ``ssh`` aus. * Installiere -- mindestens ``SSHFS-Win 3.5 BETA`` * Navigiere zum Desktop im Explorer / Rechtsklick ``Dieser Pc`` / Netzlaufwerk verbinden... :: \\sshfs.r\cdedb@\cdedb2 Nun sollte die VM als Netzlaufwerk eingehängt worden sein.