Manual Setup ============ This describes the steps necessary to get the project running on a machine. .. note:: This is somewhat complicated and it is advised to use the virtual machine in most cases. Instructions for obtaining and using the image can be found at :doc:`Development_Environment_Setup_VM`. Below may be some Gentoo-specific bits, for Debian-specific stuff look at the setup scripts in ``related/auto-build``. Prerequisites ------------- We need some dependencies: * python (at least 3.9) * PostgreSQL (at least 13, for drop with force) * Apache (with mod_wsgi) * git * texlive (incl. luatex; for generating pdf documents) Further we depend on a number of python packages: * passlib * psycopg2 (at least 2.5.4, for jsonb support) * werkzeug (at least 0.15, for correct multi-params in urls) * dateutil (only needed for dev script, namely * babel * docutils * jinja2 * markdown * bleach * python-magic * python-imaging-library (more specifically pillow) * zxcvbn * icu * mailmanclient (at least 3.3.3, for unsubscription handling) At last there are some recommended dependencies: * sphinx (for building the documentation) * guzzle-sphinx-theme (a documentation theme) * webtest (for tests, at least 2.0.17 for handling of multiple elements with the same name) * lxml (the python module; used in the test suite) * pgbouncer (otherwise database performance may be degraded) * fail2ban (for preventing brute-force attacks) * pylint (for code analysis) * requests (the python module; used in some scripts) Checkout the repository ----------------------- Use git to clone the code:: git clone ssh:// For this to work you need to create an account on the tracker website which has then to be granted access to the cdedb repository (send a mail to the db list ````). All commands below assume, that you are in the root directory of the repository. Now you can build the documentation by issuing:: make doc Configure the application ------------------------- First of all, you need to create your personal configuration and make the path to the file available via environment variable, like described in :doc:`Design_Environment_Setup`. The configuration file may be empty if you do not want to override the defaults from :mod:`cdedb.config`. A sample configuration for development instances can be found in ``related/auto-build/files/stage3/``. Prepare environment ------------------- Now we set up all auxiliary stuff. We assume, that postgres is configured for peer authentication (i.e. the system user xy has access to the postgres user xy). First execute as user with enough permissions (that is the ability to run ``sudo -u postgres ...`` and ``sudo -u cdb ...``) and with running postgres:: python3 -m cdedb db create-users python3 -m cdedb db create The first one will create the database users, the second one the actual tables. To seed them with sample data, run additionally:: python3 -m cdedb db populate Now configure pgbouncer in ``pgbouncer.ini`` (in ``/etc``) with the following:: [databases] cdb = cdb_test = cdb_test_1 = cdb_test_2 = cdb_test_3 = cdb_test_4 = cdb_test_ldap = cdb_test_xss = [pgbouncer] logfile = /var/log/postgresql/pgbouncer.log pidfile = /var/run/postgresql/ unix_socket_dir = /run/postgresql listen_addr = listen_port = 6432 auth_type = md5 auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer_users.txt pool_mode = session server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL max_client_conn = 100 default_pool_size = 20 Additionally place copy file ``related/pgbouncer_users.txt`` to ``/etc/pgbouncer_users.txt`` for authentication (otherwise pgbouncer will refuse connections):: cp related/pgbouncer_users.txt /etc chown pgbouncer:root /etc/pgbouncer_users.txt chmod 600 /etc/pgbouncer_users.txt This file may be regenerated with the ```` tool from the pgbouncer tar-ball. Now we set up the Apache server, first add the following lines to ``/etc/apache2/httpd.conf``:: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/ ServerName localhost and then insert the following close to the end of ``/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/00_default_ssl_vhost.conf``:: WSGIDaemonProcess cdedb processes=4 threads=4 WSGIScriptAlias /db /path/to/repo/wsgi/cdedb.wsgi Require all granted Alias /static /path/to/repo/static Require all granted note, that this is syntax for apache-2.4 (which differs from apache-2.2). Next we need to create the directory for uploaded data (where ``www-cde`` is the user running Apache):: python3 -m cdedb filesystem --owner www-cde storage create To populate the storage with sample data, run additionally:: python3 -m cdedb filesystem --owner www-cde storage populate Finally we need a directory where logging files resist. The directory needs to be writable by the user running Apache (default ``www-cde``). To create the default log directory, you can call:: python3 -m cdedb filesystem --owner www-cde log create Running it ---------- Last step before startup is compiling the GNU gettext .mo files for i18n:: make i18n-compile Now, check if postgres and pgbouncer are running. Optionally you can run the test suite first to see whether everything is ready:: ./bin/ Now start the apache and access ``https://localhost/db/`` with a browser. Refreshing the running instance ------------------------------- Changes to the code can be propagate as follows to the current instance. For templates no action is necessary. For the python code updating the mtime of the wsgi file resets the apache workers:: sudo systemctl restart apache2 You can use the make target reload to re-compile i18n and trigger the worker reload:: make reload For the database you should restart pgbouncer (which probably has some open connections left) before doing a ``python3 -m cdedb dev apply-sample-data``.