Developing ========== In :ref:`sample-data` the available data sets are listed (mainly existing accounts). Source controle is done via git. Upon login with ssh a short summary of useful commands is displayed -- this is reproduced below. .. literalinclude:: motd.txt Performance ----------- To increase performance it is very effective to do one of these two things, but they can cause serious data loss. So they are only recommended when working with test data. * Replace ``cache=writethrough`` by ``cache=writeback`` or even ``cache=unsafe`` when running the VM. * In the file `/etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf` in the VM set the following options in the ``WRITE AHEAD LOG`` section:: fsync = off synchronous_commit = off full_page_writes = off .. _configuring_i18n: Configuring ----------- In the ``i18n`` directory in the repository there are two helper scripts for git: ```` and ````. These scripts are enabled by default on the VM image. As the Docker container however only mounts the local repository you will have to configure these manually. To enable these scripts add the following to the ``.git/config`` file:: [diff "podiff"] textconv = i18n/ [merge "pomerge"] name = Gettext merge driver driver = i18n/ %O %A %B The first one is used when executing ``git diff`` on `.po` files. It removes all lines starting with ``#:`` before comparing the files, because they contain line numbers of every string usage and those numbers are prone to change. If you want to disable this temporarily you can run ``git diff --no-textconv``. If you however want to disable this permanently you can remove the following lines from your ``.git/config`` file:: [diff "podiff"] textconv = i18n/ or add the following line to your ``.git/info/attributes`` file:: *.po diff The second one is a three-way merge driver for ``.po`` and ``.pot`` files, hopefully making merging of these files easier. If the merge fails you will have to look for ``#-#-#-#-#`` as conflict markers instead of the usual git conflict markers. If you want to disable this, remove the following lines from your ``.git/config`` file:: [merge "pomerge"] name = Gettext merge driver driver = i18n/ %O %A %B or add the following line from your ``.git/info/attributes`` file:: *.po merge Sample dev setup ---------------- Here is a description of my setup hopefully aiding new devs in setup. This is by no means a mandatory setup. First an overview of the directory structure:: /home/markus/DB/ ├── cdedb2/ │ └── ... ├── vm-repo/ │ └── ... ├── image.qcow2 ├── └── Everything lives inside the directory ``/home/markus/DB/`` where ``cdedb2/`` is a clone of the git repository. Most development happens in this directory. Then there is the VM image ``image.qcow2`` which is started by the script ````. This script additionally uses sshfs to mount the git repository inside the VM to the directory ``vm-repo/``. Finally the script ```` logs into the VM. The typical change is developed in ``cdedb2/`` and committed there. Then the commit is transferred to the VM by issuing the command ``git pull ../cdedb2/`` inside the ``vm-repo/`` directory. Now the test suite is executed inside the VM and if successful the change is pushed from ``cdedb2/`` to the server.